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Auf dieser Seite findest du Rechnungsvorlagen und weitere Vorlagen. Einige Vorlagen sollten angepasst werden, da sie an deine Kunden geschickt werden. Dazu gehören:

  • Zollerklärung

  • Lieferschein

  • Rücksendescheine

In der linken Spalte steht der Name des Templates. In der Spalte rechts daneben siehst du, wann das Template zuletzt bearbeitet wurde.

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Wenn du eine neue Version deines Rechnungstemplates erzeugen möchtest, klicke auf das + Symbol. Anschließend hast du die Möglichkeit den neuen (oder angepassten) Template-Code hochzuladend bzw. einzugeben. Danach steht das Template revisionssicher bereit. Vergiss nicht, das Template zu aktivieren, in dem du es als aktives Rechnungstemplate auswählst.

Verfügbare Variablen

Folgende Variablen kannst du in einem Rechnungstemplate verwenden. Bitte beachte, dass Variablen innerhalb doppelt geschweifter Klammern geschrieben werden müssen {{ variable }}

  • invoice

    • id integer

      • An internal unique identifier for the invoice

    • invoiceNr string

      • the invoice assigned number with prefix and suffix

    • invoiceDate datetime

      • the date on which the invoice has been created

    • ref string

      • the payment reference number for the transaction

    • paymentGateway string

      • the used payment method for the transaction

    • headline string

      • A headline indicating that the document is an invoice, voucher or an order confirmation, cancellation with the order number

    • remark string

      • An additional remark from the Shopify Order Remark Property

    • name string

      • Customer billing address name

    • company string

      • Customer billing address company name

    • address string

      • Customer billing address address

    • address2 string

      • Customer billing address addition

    • city string

      • Customer billing address city

    • country string

      • Customer billing address country

    • zip string

      • Customer billing address zip code

    • totalNetto decimal

      • The total invoice amount without VAT

    • totalBrutto decimal

      • the total invoice amount including VAT

    • shopifyRefundId integer

      • if the document is a voucher, the associated shopify refund id is included, otherwise null

    • isConfirmation bool

      • Whether the document is tax invoice or an order confirmation

    • shopOrder array

      • shopifyOrderId integer

        • the shopify order identifier for the order

      • checkoutId integer

        • a checkout identifier if the order was created with a checkout (e.g. from the online store sales channel)

      • orderName string

        • Name of the order in Shopify

      • orderDate datetime

        • The date of the order placement

      • name string

        • Customer shipping address name

      • companyName string

        • Customer shipping address company name

      • address string

        • Customer shipping address street

      • address2 string

        • Customer shipping address addition

      • housenumber string

        • Customer shipping address housenumber

      • city string

        • Customer shipping address city

      • plz string

        • Customer shipping address zip code

      • country string

        • Customer shipping address country

      • email string

        • Customer’s email address

      • phone string

        • Customer phone number

      • carrier array

        • id integer

          • An internal unique id for the used carrier

        • name string

          • The name of the used carrier

      • prio integer

        • Whether the order is a priority order (1) or a normal one (0)

    • positions array

      • pos integer

        • the position number on the invoice of the invoice line

      • description string

        • A description (e.g. product name) of the invoice line

      • amount integer

        • a purchased amount of the description

      • price decimal

        • the single unit price of the invoice line including VAT

      • tax decimal

        • the tax rate applied to the invoice line

      • totalPrice decimal

        • the total amount of the invoice line including VAT

      • sku string

        • the associated SKU number of the invoice line

    • taxes array

      • rate decimal

        • the rate of the VAT tax line

      • value decimal

        • the tax amount of the tax line

Bsp.: {{ invoice.ref }}

Last updated